lundi 6 août 2007

She is born !


After 9 months in the warmth of her mom's belly, our little Sarah Lou came to the world on 29th of May 2007, at 4:15 PM, in Beijing.

She weights 3.4 Kg, and is 55 cm long, she is perfect...

It is hard for me to describe my first encounter with my daughter, as after half an hour of shaky waiting, in front of the operation theater, seeing her coming out wrapped in a blue blanket, her tiny face hardly coming out of the clothe was something of a shock, bringing together fear, but above all a curious attraction towards the fragile being looking at me with wide opened eyes.
In the flash of a moment, the nurse puts her in my arms, and we start making contact, establishing a mute dialogue between our two shy and curious beings.
Moment out of time where nothing else exists but the look of the child diving in your eyes... I whisper a "Welcome Sarah Lou" and time already flies again, Sarah Lou is brought upstairs in a glance for the postnatal check up and I remain knocked out in the empty corridor.
Then the question pops "How is the mum"? A weak "Mama zenme yang"? slowly makes its way through my dry throat to land on the surgeon's ear, who quickly comforts me :"Dou hao le, dou hao le, ta xia yi ge xiaoshi yao hui fanjian li". Another hour to wait before seeing her... Long momentum, squeezed between the happiness of the birth, and prays for the mum, so that she comes back quick, to admire Sarah Lou too, her who wished so much for a natural birth, and that eventually had to accept a cesarian.

And Sarah Lou coming back from the care center, already asking for her first breastfeed... What to do... We did not think about buying formula, as we decided to breastfeed... Pujee's abscence becomes even heavier.

We have to decide something, we will give some sugar water to Sarah for her to wait. And it works, during half a babybottle that she swallows hungrily, first contact of her inside with the outside world.

Eventually the mum comes in, knocked with pain, fear rises, "what happened", "why did you put her to sleep" ?, and so many other questions that lay unanswered in front of the language barrier...

We have to wait, again, untill Sarah Lou is laid close to her so that eventually her eyes open and irradiates hapiness. Wave of love submerging our fears and expectations, she is born, and both of us are here to take care of her.

Since then, we stick together, except for a few hours spent in my office.

Welcome to you Sarah Lou !

Dad and Mom

1 commentaire:

М.Огоо a dit…

Wow seems like cool job Sarah. I love u my dear nephew. And miss u so much